11 Trends to Drive Website Traffic Using SEO


SEO is always changing. As search engines update their algorithms, webmasters and SEOs have to adapt their strategies in order to stay ahead of the competition. In this blog post, we will discuss 11 trends that are driving website traffic using SEO. Keep in mind that these are not the only strategies that you can use, but they are some of the most effective methods right now. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, then you need to be using these tactics!

SEO Trend #01: Optimizing for Voice Search

The first SEO trend that we will discuss is optimizing for voice search. With the rise of digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Home, more and more people are using voice search to find the information they need. This means that if you want to be found online, you need to optimize your website for voice search.

There are a few different ways to do this, but one of the most important is to use natural language in your content. When people speak into a digital assistant, they often use long-tail keywords or full questions. You need to make sure that your content includes these types of phrases so that you can be found when people are searching for your products or services.

SEO Trend #02: Using Schema Markup

Another trend that is driving website traffic using SEO is schema markup. Schema markup is a code that you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content. This code can provide information about your business, your products, or your services.

Adding schema markup to your website can help you show up in more search results, and it can also help you get rich snippets. Rich snippets are special search results that include additional information about your website. This extra information can make your listing more clickable, which means more traffic for you!

SEO Trend #03: Optimizing for Local Search

If you have a local business, then you need to be sure that you are optimizing for local search. This trend is only going to become more important in the future as people use their mobile devices to find information about businesses in their area.

To optimize for local search, you need to make sure that your website is listed on directories like Google My Business and Yelp. You also need to include your address and phone number on your website so that people can easily find you. Finally, you should use local keywords throughout your website so that you can be found when people are searching for businesses like yours.

SEO Trend #04: Creating Engaging Content

One of the best ways to drive website traffic using SEO is to create engaging content. This content can come in many different forms, but it should always be interesting and informative. If you can keep people on your website longer, then you have a better chance of ranking higher in search results.

Some of the most popular types of content right now include blog posts, infographics, and videos. You can also create quizzes, polls, and surveys to engage your audience. No matter what type of content you create, always make sure that it is high quality and relevant to your target audience.

SEO Trend #05: Using Rich Media

Another trend that is driving website traffic using SEO is rich media. Rich media is any type of content that includes images, video, or audio. This type of content is becoming more and more popular as people consume more information online.

If you want to use rich media on your website, then you need to make sure that you are using the right tools. For example, you should use WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO to help you optimize your content for search engines. You should also make sure that your website is mobile-friendly so that people can easily consume your content on their smartphones and tablets.

SEO Trend #06: Focusing on User Experience

One of the most important trends in SEO is focusing on user experience. This trend is all about making sure that your website is easy to use and navigate. If people can’t find what they are looking for on your website, then they are likely to leave and go to a competitor’s site.

There are a few things that you can do to improve the user experience on your website. First, you should make sure that your website is responsive so that it looks good on all devices. Second, you should simplify your navigation so that people can easily find what they are looking for. Finally, you should use clear and concise text so that people can understand what you are trying to say.

SEO Trend #07: Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are a special type of search result that includes additional information about your website. This extra information can make your listing more clickable, which means more traffic for you!

To get featured snippets for your website, you need to make sure that you are creating high-quality content. Your content should be well researched and informative so that people can learn from it. You should also use clear and concise language so that your content is easy to understand.

SEO Trend #08: Artificial Intelligence Will Play a Larger Role in SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to play a larger role in SEO. This trend is only going to become more important in the future as Google and other search engines get better at understanding user intent.

To stay ahead of the curve, you need to make sure that you are using AI-powered tools like RankBrain. These tools can help you optimize your website for better search engine rankings. You should also keep an eye on the latest AI trends so that you can update your website accordingly.

SEO Trend #09: Personalized Search Results

Personalized search results are becoming more and more common as people use voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to perform searches. This trend is only going to become more important in the future as people use these devices more and more.

To make sure that your website appears in personalized search results, you need to make sure that you are using schema markup. This code can help you provide additional information about your website to search engines. You should also make sure that your website is mobile-friendly so that it can be easily accessed on these devices.

SEO Trend #010: Image Optimisation

Images are an important part of any website. Not only do they make your site more visually appealing, but they can also help you rank higher in search engine results.

To ensure that your images are helping you rank higher, you need to make sure that you are using the right keywords. You should also make sure that your images are of high quality and that they are properly sized. Finally, you should make sure that your website is loading quickly so that people don’t get frustrated while waiting for your images to load.

SEO Trend #011: Data and Analytics Should Become Your Priority If You Want to Remain Ahead in Rankings

If you want to ensure that your website is ranking high, then you need to make data and analytics your priority. There are a number of tools that you can use to track your website’s performance. Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to track your website’s traffic. You can also use paid tools like Moz Pro to track your website’s SEO performance.

These are the top eleven trends that you need to know about if you want to drive more traffic to your website using SEO. By keeping these trends in mind, you can ensure that your website is ranking high in search engine results. You can also stay ahead of the competition by being the first to implement these trends on your website.

We’re here ready to assist with your SEO needs both locally on the Sunshine Coast, Nationally and Internationally.

Picture of Jane Cluff

Jane Cluff

Senior digital strategist

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