DIY SEO with a live mentor


Our “SEO Pro” mentorship program is crafted with YOU at its core. Whether you’re an accomplished professional seeking to amplify your skills or an enthusiastic beginner longing to plunge into the exciting world of SEO, we are here for you every step of the way. We firmly believe that everyone has the capacity to achieve greatness, and our aim is to help you tap into and harness that potential.

In-person or Virtual programs, meeting for 3-hours once a week for 8 weeks. 

DIY SEO mentoring in a group setting

SEO Mastery
$497 per week​

This unique program empowers you to take control of your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Learn the secrets of boosting your online presence, driving organic traffic, and outperforming your competition, all while benefiting from personalised support and expert advice.

Embark on this exciting journey and discover the true potential of your business by mastering DIY SEO.

Imagine you or one of your team knowing how to confidently and competently create strong SEO foundations to increase your online visibility.

To then make wise decisions regarding which tools and resources to implement and use, which free versions work as effectively as paid subscriptions. So you’ll save money in the longer term too.

Our 8 week DIY SEO program provides an affordable and hands-on option to rank your website.

By learning from an experienced professional, you’ll gain invaluable insights into the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

An SEO mentor will help you understand complex concepts simply, ensuring you grasp the best practices to boost your website’s visibility.

You’ll be equipped with practical, hands-on strategies to drive organic traffic, attract more visitors, and ultimately grow your business.

Affordable SEO.

DIY SEO is a cost-effective solution for those looking to improve their website’s search engine performance without breaking the bank.

What can you expect to pay for your SEO to be done for you (DFY) per month?

According to industry experts, quality SEO starts at $2,500 per month, ranging up to $10,000+ per month in Australia.

By learning and implementing SEO strategies yourself, you can save on the expenses associated with hiring an agency or professional.

With our live mentorship program, you’ll receive expert guidance and support at a fraction of the cost, empowering you to optimize your website and drive organic traffic while maintaining a budget-friendly approach.

Embrace the world of DIY SEO and experience the benefits of an affordable yet effective path to online success!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to
learn SEO from a seasoned expert and
stay ahead of the competition!

Sunshine Coast Starts March 2024

Location: Kontiki Building, Building 1, Level 2, Maroochydore

Time: 8:30am start – 12:30pm

Sunshine Coast Spots filling quickly! Get in early! 

Programs are being held in the following locations:

Your Investment

6 monthly in-person workshops led by an expert mentor/coach; a comprehensive curriculum; hands-on learning; personalised feedback; access to premium resources and tools; networking opportunities; measurable results and; long-term value.

Your investment also contributes to your professional development and the ongoing success of your website’s search engine performance.

$497 +GST

(per week) with a 8 week commitment. Your total investment is $3.976 + GST


Pay in total upfront, $3,976 +GST  to receive a BONUS 1-on-1 mentorship with Jane valued at $650!

Investing in this SEO mentorship course is like planting a seed for your future – a seed that, with time, will grow into a mighty tree of knowledge and success. It’s not just about spending money on a course; it’s about investing in yourself and your dreams. You’re paving the path to personal growth and opening up a world of opportunities.

This investment is about empowering yourself to conquer the digital realm, one keyword at a time. And don’t worry, we’ll be right there with you, simplifying those complex SEO concepts into digestible nuggets of wisdom. After all, we’re not just your mentors, we’re your biggest cheerleaders!

So take that leap of faith and invest in your future today – trust us, your future self will thank you.

Don't think you have the Skills to do your own SEO?

Fear not, brave SEO explorer!  While the world of SEO might seem like a dense jungle filled with mysterious creatures and hidden traps, worry not, for our live mentorship program is here to guide you through this uncharted territory.

No matter your current skill level or background, we’ll be your trusty sidekick on this adventure, breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized, digestible (and occasionally hilarious) morsels.

As you journey deeper into the realm of SEO, you’ll gain valuable insights, practical experience, and perhaps even stumble upon a few hidden treasures (in the form of higher search rankings, of course).

So strap on your metaphorical hiking boots, grab a sense of humour, and join us as we navigate the wild world of SEO together!

Sign up today and unleash your inner SEO champion!

Not Techie?

No worries! You don’t need to be a technical expert to succeed in SEO.

While some aspects of SEO involve technical know-how, many crucial elements are focused on creating high-quality content, understanding your target audience, and optimising your website for user experience.

With the guidance of our live mentor, you’ll learn SEO best practices step-by-step, tailored to your skill level.

Your mentor will help you navigate the process, ensuring you gain the necessary knowledge and confidence to improve your online presence.

So don’t let technical concerns hold you back – sign up today and unlock the power of SEO for your business!


woman working on her SEO

Learning SEO with a mentorship program isn’t just about gaining knowledge, it’s about transforming yourself into a confident digital navigator, ready to seize the online world by storm. We believe in the power of one-on-one guidance, personalized learning, and immediate feedback that a mentorship program offers.

When you learn SEO with a mentor, you aren’t just getting lessons, you’re getting a customized roadmap to success. You’ll have someone who’ll guide you through the complexities of SEO, breaking down intricate concepts into simple, understandable terms. But more than that, you’ll have someone who genuinely cares about your progress and success.

Our mentors aren’t just experts in their field, they’re also incredibly passionate about empowering individuals like you to reach your full potential. They’ve been where you are now, and they know exactly what it takes to climb to the top of the SEO game.

So, why learn SEO with a mentorship? Because you deserve more than just information – you deserve inspiration, motivation, and a personal cheerleader cheering you on as you conquer each milestone. You’re not just learning here, you’re growing, and we can’t wait to see just how far you’ll go!

Who is this course for?

The course is designed for a diverse range of individuals who seek to improve their website’s search engine performance and drive organic traffic. 

SEO results showing organic traffic increase
Jane Cluff Digital Marketing Experts

Your Mentor

Jane Cluff MAMI CPM BPsych, Masters Digital Marketing, is the Director and Digital Marketing Strategist & Consultant, Felicity Jane Digital.

With a passion for helping businesses understand the digital environment, especially SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), you will also walk away from the course with a deeper understanding of what Google really wants from a website

seo manager working on computer


The course is designed to accommodate participants of varying skill levels, so there are no strict prerequisites.

However, having a basic understanding of the following concepts can be beneficial:

While these foundational concepts can be helpful, our live mentorship program is structured to provide guidance and support for beginners as well as more experienced learners.

The course will cover essential SEO topics and strategies, ensuring that you develop a comprehensive understanding and acquire the necessary skills to optimize your website effectively.

Your Investment

8 weekly in-person workshops led by an expert mentor/coach; a comprehensive curriculum; hands-on learning; personalised feedback; access to premium resources and tools; networking opportunities; measurable results and; long-term value.

Your investment also contributes to your professional development and the ongoing success of your website’s search engine performance.

$497 +GST

(per week) with a 8 week commitment. Your total investment is $3,976 + GST


Pay in full, $3,976 +GST, upfront to receive a BONUS 1-on-1 mentorship with Jane valued at $650!

Frequently Asked Questions

While the exact topics covered in the 6-month mentoring program may vary slightly, here is a general outline of the topics you can expect to be covered during this program:

  1. Introduction to SEO: Understanding the basics of search engine optimisation, how search engines work, and the importance of SEO for online visibility.

  2. Keyword research: Identifying the most relevant and valuable keywords for your website based on search volume, competition, and user intent.

  3. On-page optimisation: Optimising various elements of your website, including meta tags, headings, URLs, images, and content, to improve search engine rankings and user experience.

  4. Technical SEO: Ensuring your website’s structure, performance, and crawlability are optimissed for search engines, including aspects such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data.

  5. Content creation and optimisation: Developing high-quality, engaging, and keyword-rich content that aligns with your target audience’s needs and preferences while adhering to SEO best practices.

  6. Link building: Implementing strategies to acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, which can improve your website’s credibility and search engine rankings.

  7. Local SEO: Optimising your website and online presence for local search results, including Google Business Profile management, citation building, and localised keyword targeting.

  8. Social media and SEO: Leveraging social media platforms to improve your website’s online visibility, drive referral traffic, and support your SEO efforts.

  9. SEO analytics and reporting: Monitoring and analysing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your SEO strategies and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

  10. Advanced SEO strategies: Exploring advanced techniques and tactics to further optimise your website and stay ahead of the competition, such as voice search optimisation, video SEO, and featured snippets.

  11. SEO trends and algorithm updates: Staying up-to-date with the latest developments in SEO, including search engine algorithm updates and emerging trends that can impact your website’s performance.

Throughout the 6-month mentoring program, you’ll receive guidance, support, and personalised feedback from your mentor as you work on implementing and refining the SEO strategies covered in the course. The goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to optimise your website effectively and achieve long-term success in search engine rankings.

The course is designed to accommodate participants of varying skill levels, so there are no strict prerequisites.

However, having a basic understanding of the following concepts can be beneficial:

  • A general understanding of search engines and their role in driving traffic to websites.
  • Familiarity with the internet and how websites function.
  • Awareness of content creation principles, including keyword research and on-page optimisation.

While these foundational concepts can be helpful, our live mentorship program is structured to provide guidance and support for beginners as well as more experienced learners.

The course will cover essential SEO topics and strategies, ensuring that you develop a comprehensive understanding and acquire the necessary skills to optimise your website effectively.

The time commitment may vary depending your own learning pace.

Each week you are required to attend the in-person OR virtual workshop for 3 hours.

In addition to the course time, you should expect to dedicate a few hours per week to complete assignments, and practice the skills you learn.

Whilst we aren’t recording each of the in-person sessions, you can attend virtually and  you will be provided with the resources allocated during the class period.

It will up to you to ensure you understand the resources.  Your peers within the program, I know, will be there to assist and share information they have gathered.

If there is available time during a following class this may be an opportunity to cover any aspects of the month’s lesson that are unclear.

Absolutely! The mentor is there to provide guidance, answer your questions, and offer personalised feedback on your work. This ensures you receive the support you need to succeed in the program.

SEO is a long-term process, and it may take some time to see significant improvements in your website’s search engine performance.

Patience and persistence are essential, as well as regularly monitoring and adjusting your strategies based on data and analytics.

While the live mentorship SEO program aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to optimize your website effectively, there are no guarantees when it comes to search engine rankings. Many factors influence rankings, including competition and search engine algorithm updates. The program will provide you with the best practices and strategies to improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Yes, our SEO programs offer a certificate of completion to participants who successfully complete the program and demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and strategies taught.

This certificate can be valuable for showcasing your newly acquired skills to potential employers or clients.

Our in-person DIY SEO Mentoring program is specifically designed for WordPress websites.

Whilst the principals of SEO can be carried across to other platforms such as Wix, Weebly, or Shopify, this program has a specificWordPress focus.

If you are serious about succeeding in business we recommend, for Wix and Weebly site owners, to switch to a WordPress website in the future. We highly recommend the Build A WordPress Website In 2-Days.  During the course you will be improving the SEO throughout the build and then can continue your SEO journey through our in-person DIY SEO Mentoring program.

An eight-week period is an ideal timeframe for several reasons:

  1. SEO Takes Time: Search engine optimisation is a gradual process, and it can take weeks or even months to see significant results. Six months allows enough time for implementing strategies and observing their impact.
  2. Adapting to Algorithm Updates: Search engines like Google frequently update their algorithms. A six-month period provides ample opportunity to adapt to these changes and fine-tune your strategies accordingly.
  3. Building Sustainable Habits: Developing good SEO practices requires consistency and discipline. Over six months, you’ll establish sustainable habits that will benefit your online presence in the long run.
  4. Tracking Progress: The extended timeframe allows you to monitor your progress and make data-driven decisions to optimize your approach further.
  5. Mentorship Value: A longer engagement with an SEO mentor ensures a deeper understanding of best practices and provides ongoing support as you encounter challenges or need guidance.
  6. Long-term Results: By committing to a six-month period, you invest in the long-term success of your website and business, ensuring lasting benefits from your SEO efforts.

The course fee is AUD270 per month + GST for the 6 month program, which includes all the necessary materials and resources. There are no additional fees or hidden costs.

If you would like to purchase Web 2.0 backlinks throughout the course this is an additional charge (starting from AUD450 + GST).

If you would like to purchase a Citation Audit and Package, this is an additional charge (starting from AUD350 + GST).

Web 2.0 backlinks refer to links obtained from websites that are characterised by user-generated content, social networking, and interactive features.

These websites, known as Web 2.0 platforms, enable users to create and share content, engage with others, and participate in online communities.

Some popular examples of Web 2.0 platforms include social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), blogging platforms (WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr), and content sharing websites (YouTube, Pinterest, Slideshare).

Obtaining Web 2.0 backlinks typically involves creating valuable content on these platforms and including a link back to your own website within the content. This strategy not only helps improve your website’s search engine rankings through the acquisition of high-quality backlinks but also increases brand visibility and drives referral traffic from these popular platforms. However, it’s important to focus on generating natural, relevant, and high-quality backlinks rather than resorting to spammy or manipulative tactics, which can harm your website’s SEO performance.


A Citation Audit and Citation Build are processes related to local SEO, which focus on improving the online visibility of a business in local search results.

These processes involve managing and optimizing a business’s citations, which are mentions of its name, address, and phone number (NAP) on various online platforms.

Here’s a brief explanation of each process:

Citation Audit: A Citation Audit is the process of reviewing and analysing the existing citations of a business across the web. This involves finding all mentions of the business’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone) on various platforms like online directories, social media profiles, review sites, and local business listings.

The primary goal of a citation audit is to identify inconsistencies, duplicates, and inaccuracies in the NAP information, which can negatively impact local search rankings.

Citation Build: After completing the citation audit, the next step is Citation Build, also known as citation building or citation creation.

This process involves creating new citations and updating existing ones with accurate and consistent NAP information.

Citation building helps to improve the online presence of a business by increasing the number of high-quality, authoritative, and relevant citations.

This, in turn, boosts local search engine rankings, as search engines like Google consider the quantity, quality, and consistency of citations when determining the credibility and relevance of a local business.

A Citation Audit and Citation Build are essential components of Local SEO strategies that help businesses enhance their online visibility, improve local search rankings, and attract more customers from their target geographic locations.

After completing the 6 month program, you’ll have access to our online support forum and additional resources to help you continue learning and refining your SEO skills.

There is also an option to continue on monthly in a less structured format.  Feel free to discuss this with your Mentor.

Yes, the mentor in our live mentorship program is there to guide and support you throughout the course, including assisting with website optimisation.

Their role is to provide expert advice, share best practices, and answer any questions or concerns you may have as you work on optimising your website.

Some of the key areas where the mentor can help include:

  1. Identifying opportunities for improvement in your website’s structure, content, and technical aspects.
  2. Offering guidance on keyword research, on-page optimisation, and content creation strategies.
  3. Providing insights on off-page optimisation techniques, such as link building and social media promotion.
  4. Assisting with local SEO efforts, including citation building and Google My Business optimisation.
  5. Helping you analyse your website’s performance using various tools and analytics platforms.

The mentor’s primary goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively optimise your website and improve its search engine performance.

Your mentor will be available for consultation throughout the course, ensuring that you receive the support and guidance necessary to achieve your SEO objectives.

Our class sizes are limited to ensure personalised attention from the instructor.

Throughout the course, you’ll have opportunities to ask questions and receive one-on-one guidance as needed.

Agencies charge a considerable amount for SEO services because of the following reasons:

Expertise and experience: SEO agencies employ professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in various aspects of search engine optimisation. Their expertise enables them to devise effective strategies tailored to a client’s specific needs, which can be challenging for someone without a deep understanding of SEO.

Time-consuming process: SEO is a long-term, ongoing process that requires consistent effort, research, and monitoring. Agencies invest a significant amount of time in keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO to ensure optimal results for their clients.

Customised strategies: Each business is unique, and so are its SEO requirements. Agencies spend time analysing a client’s website, competition, and target audience to develop customised strategies that align with their goals and objectives.

Access to tools and resources: SEO agencies use a variety of premium tools and software to analyse, monitor, and optimise their clients’ websites. These tools can be expensive, and the cost is factored into the pricing of their services.

Regular updates and maintenance: Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and SEO best practices change over time. Agencies need to stay up-to-date with these changes and adjust their strategies accordingly to maintain and improve their clients’ search engine rankings.

Measurable results and reporting: Agencies provide regular reports detailing the progress and results of their SEO efforts. This involves tracking and analysing data from various sources, such as website traffic, keyword rankings, conversions, and user engagement metrics.

Scalability: As a business grows, its SEO needs may change or become more complex. Agencies are equipped to handle these changes and scale their services to match a client’s evolving requirements.

Risk management: Inexperienced or improper SEO techniques can result in penalties from search engines, harming a website’s rankings and online visibility. Agencies use ethical, white-hat SEO practices to minimise risks and ensure long-term success.

Agencies charge a premium for their SEO services due to the level of expertise, time, resources, and effort involved in delivering high-quality, customised solutions that drive results for their clients.

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