With more than 380 million business and individual users now on LinkedIn there is an increasing trend that a LinkedIn Profile is not only created professionally but that it can also be discovered by search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Whether for business or pleasure there are a few steps you can take to ensure your LinkedIn profile can be found:
1. Claim your vanity url
Search engines love vanity URL’s as long as you include your full name.
A search engine won’t find you under au.linkedin.com/in/io34098j48 (this doesn’t mean anything unless someone is specifically searching for this string of characters), but they will find you with au.linkedin.com/in/yourname
TIP: If your name is already taken you can add your initial or your location to the end.
2. Ensure your profile is available to the public
It’s no good having a great profile if no one can view it.
3. Get your headline right
When people are looking for new connections they will see your name and your Professional Headline. Don’t be overlooked because you haven’t told viewers what you do and who you do it for.
Saying you’re a Director doesn’t tell people what you do. A better example would be “Management Accountant for XY Company”.
TIP: There are 140 characters available so ensure you are including relevant keywords.
4. Get your links right
You can add up to three websites links to your profile. This allows you to show users web pages that are associated with you and your brand.
Give users an insight into what you do and what you are about. You also are adding more keywords to your profile.
5. Include a headshot
Use a professional business photo. Remember that profile images are searchable on search engines especially Google Image.
Increase in likelihood that your LinkedIn profile will get viewed if you include a photo: 11x (22/4/14)
TIP: Name your image properly, for example Felicity-Jane-Cluff.jpg
6. Complete the descriptions
The descriptions in your profile headline, personal interests, summary and job title and experience, etc. Use keyword rich and industry specific content but don’t keyword stuff.
Increase in profile views for LinkedIn members who list skills on their profiles: 13x (16/10/14)
TIP : People looking for you will be more likely to search for industry specific keywords.