3 steps to help your clients to leave G+ local reviews easily

 Why Google+ local is important

  • customer reviews matter to your local rankings! (#1 rank has 33% MORE customer reviews that the average #7)
  • Having Google reviews can generate more clicks from potential customers – those golden stars catch your eye!
  • The reviews your customers’ write are automatically shared with their friends (the people in their Google + circles) – which leads to extra visibility for you in “social media” and potential customers

The thought of joining Google+ is what puts most people off from leaving a review.  However there is a way around this.

Step 1  (lets find your local listing on google maps)

  • head over to google maps (https://maps.google.com.au/)
  • type in your business name and address – when your G+ listing shows, copy the URL  (you will notice that it is very long and at first glance quite meaningless)


Example only https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/The+Canine+Classroom/@-27.4027106,153.0028507,9z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1sdog+trainers+:0x5a7659aecfe270

Step 2  (we are going to make the long url into something more aesthetically pleasing and more meaningful)

  • head over to http://tinyurl.com/
  • paste the long url
  • complete the custom alias (where you can make the url more meaningful eg. PTreview)

Finished URL = http://www.tinyurl.com.MyRevies


TIP:  you can also use http://tiny.cc/ to do the same thing + you can also create a QR code here (great for printing out and putting on your front desk, or your website for iphone users to scan and leave reviews)

Step 3 How to put this into action and start getting reviews!

1.) Ask your customers if they enjoyed their service, follow that up with: “Would you mind leaving us a review on Google?” and giving them your new link.

2.) Put up a small card at your reception area, on a noticeboard or on the tables of your centre. Direct iPhone users to the QR code you created above.

3.) Have a contest between your employees to see who can get the most Google+ Local reviews. Give the winner a nice gift card and repeat every month.

4.) Send a thank you and follow-up email to clients with a closing asking for a review on our Google My Business page, including the new link.

P.S. This technique works flawlessly as long as the person is signed in to any type of Google account. Whether it’s just a regular Google account (using your own email address), a YouTube account for person to access their subscriptions, or Google Play, etc.  If the person literally has no Google Account, they will be ask to create one within Maps, and then they will be asked to sign-up for Google+. BUT if they have any type of login, they will just be asked to “continue as you” without any mention of Google+.

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Picture of Jane Cluff

Jane Cluff

Senior digital strategist

Google Rating
Based on 41 reviews
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