5 Awesome Steps to Increase Business Leads
When it comes to increasing business leads, some methods just work better than others. Learn the 5 awesome steps you need to take to increase leads here!
Have you ever searched online for the answer to a question and been bombarded with obnoxious ads? Did you stay on that page or quickly move on to the next available site?
If you’re like most internet users, you avoid blatant advertising at all costs.
Privacy has become a major concern for consumers. A recent study found that 86 percent of internet users have taken steps to hide their online identity. This shift has created a major challenge for marketers who are trying to create business leads.
It’s time to go back to basics. These five simple steps will help you to develop a winning strategy that attracts and converts business leads.
Step 1 – Capture the Eye
There have been many studies focused on the eye patterns of website visitors. The data shows that readers start out by focusing on the upper left-hand side of the screen. As they scan for relevant words, their eyes move across the screen in an F shape.
Smart web designers place call to action (CTA) buttons within the reader’s natural line of sight. Successful CTA placement is often a trial and error process, so you must be flexible. Periodically check to see if your current strategy is translating into business leads. If not, consider making a change.
Step 2 – Keep Your Content Relevant
All content created should be relevant to both the reader and your strategic marketing plan. Start by determining your target market’s biggest concerns and offering simple solutions. This is the quickest path to becoming a trusted professional.
Using eBooks and White Papers to give away information is still an effective strategy if done correctly. Be aware that users often view invitations to subscribe as an open door for spam. Your offer must be more valuable than the potential danger of giving away their contact information.
Step 3 – Use Pop-Ups…with Caution
Most people would agree that pop-up advertising is annoying. In spite of this, pop-ups continue to be a proven technique for capturing business leads.
To achieve the desired results, your pop-up should be relevant and add value. It should never significantly disrupt the reader’s experience. Make sure pop-ups are easy to close and don’t slow down your site.
Step 4 – Keep It Simple and Honest
Your web pages should be user-friendly. Avoid anything that might be perceived as sneaky and your readers will reward you. When using calls to action, be very clear and specific about what you are offering. For best results, avoid generic buttons with terms like “sign up” or “subscribe now.”
When using calls to action, be very clear and specific about what you are offering. For best results, avoid generic buttons with terms like “sign up” or “subscribe now.”
Contact information forms should have no more than three basic fields. Gathering the person’s name and email should be enough. If you ask for more, you’re likely to lose the opportunity.
Step 5 – Don’t Hide From Your Business Leads
Before your site can generate business leads, it must be recognized by Google. AdWords and search engine optimization help your pages to appear in relevant searches. If people can’t find you online, you will never have the opportunity to convert them into a business lead.
Today’s internet users are skeptical about sharing their information online. They are savvy and recognize marketing tactics for what they are. Successful business marketers opt for honesty and strive to provide true value to their readers.
If you need help implementing an SEO strategy that will help you generate business leads, get in touch today.