Web Design Sunshine Coast

Your website is more than just an online brochure!

Creating an attractive website is one thing. Making it an effective lead generation and sales tool takes something extra.

That’s why here at Felicity Jane Digital, your Sunshine Coast Web Design Agency, we not only focus on how a website looks, the web design, but how it’s found and how it functions, the web development, from a customer’s perspective.

We draw together the best in clean, modern web design principles with proven UX (user experience) design, CRO (conversion rate optimisation) and SEO (search engine optimisation) best practices to ensure your website not only engages visitors but turns them into customers.

Web Design Sunshine Coast

Websites designed with your customers in mind, right here on the Sunshine Coast

Think of your website as your online salesperson. And like any good salesperson, it needs to take a prospect on a journey from the first contact to a successful sale.

And there’s where our complete, done-for-you web design Sunshine Coast, and web development service comes in.

More than simply creating an online brochure, we’ll turn your website into a stunningly effective sales tool.

And with all our web designs built and optimised by our team of specialists right here on the Sunshine Coast, it ensures there’s no confusion, no uncertainties and no delays.

Our Sunshine Coast web design and web development process works like this:

Clean, clear and beautiful design

The fact is, you’ve only got a handful of seconds to engage a visitor to your site. Clear and attractive design plays a big part in this. Our specialist website designers will ensure your website commands attention with the latest and best in design thinking. And, together, we’ll fine-tune it until you’re completely satisfied.

Built to be fast and reliable

But it’s not only the visual appearance of your site that matters. What happens behind the curtains is just as important.

The backend of how your site is coded and integrated with other website elements, such as a shopping cart, for example, can dramatically affect your site's performance and effectiveness. We focus on what techie types call clean coding. And it’s essential for ensuring your website appears as it should, when it should, and bug-free.

UX design for the perfect visitor experience

It’s in this part of the process that we ensure that the design is not only attractive but also functional. After all, every page of your website has a job to do, whether that enticing a visitor to join your email list or guiding a prospect through to your shopping cart effectively.

Our UX design specialists map out how visitors interact with your website pages and how best to help them find what they’re looking for and get the result they want.

Effective CRO means more sales

This is the part of the process where we convert visitors into leads, leads into prospects, and prospects into sales. Our CRO process involves a range of methodologies and techniques that have been proven to boost conversions. This can range from how an offer is communicated, to where it’s placed on a page, even to the colour of the button that’s used on a page.
An holistic CRO process can mean the difference between a sale and an abandonment.

SEO optimised to ensure your site is seen

What’s more, every site we develop is carefully optimised according to the latest SEO best practices. There are two facets to this process, both of which are critical to ensuring potential customers find your website in search engines. The first is technical or off-page SEO. Things like ensuring your site is mobile responsive and works correctly on all devices, and site speed, which is crucial to user experience and how well a search engine ranks your site.
The second is on-page SEO or the content part of the puzzle. This includes things like making sure your site as whole ranks for the correct keywords that your prospects are searching for in search engines, such as Google.

Website Redesign

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Landing Page

web design and build

Website Redesign

What Our Customers Have to Say

A complete done-for-you web design Sunshine Coast service

If you’ve ever tried to build a website using ad-hoc contractors or cheap overseas services, you’ll appreciate that differences in country, culture and language, and even regional differences can affect how long a website development project takes and how successful it is.

A great benefit of having a team of web design and development specialists right here on the Sunshine Coast is that it gives us complete control over the entire process, from start to finish.

Plus we have the local knowledge and insight to ensure your website communicates effectively with a local audience. And the added benefit of being able to work together with you directly to keep the development process running smoothly.

Let’s get the ball rolling!

To discuss how we help you create a more engaging and effective website

5 Actionable checks to ensure your website is visible!

Sunshine Coast Web Design
Our Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Web design refers to the process of creating a website. This can include anything from developing the initial layout and structure of the site, to designing the individual pages and elements. It also encompasses the more technical aspects of building a website, such as coding or programming.

A well-designed website is important for several reasons. First, it can help to create a good first impression for your business. A poorly designed website, on the other hand, can reflect negatively on your company. Secondly, a well-designed website can be easier for visitors to use and navigate, making it more likely that they will stay on your site and continue to use it. Finally, a good web design can help to improve your search engine ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.

Web design is the process of designing a website, while web development is the process of building and maintaining a website. web designers are responsible for creating the look and feel of a site, while web developers are responsible for coding and creating the functionality of a site.

What is a web designer?

A web designer is someone who creates the look and feel of a website. web designers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to create web pages that are both visually appealing and functional.

What is a web developer?

A web developer is someone who builds the functionality of a website. web developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to create web pages that are both visually appealing and functional.

A webmaster is someone who is responsible for the upkeep of a website. webmasters typically handle tasks such as website updates, security issues, and technical support.

Some common web design mistakes include using too much unstructured text, having a cluttered layout, and using too many irrelevant graphics. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your site is optimised for search engines, so that potential customers can easily find you online.  A lot of designed will forgot to index their completed site with Google.

There are a few things you can do to avoid making web design mistakes. First, take some time to plan out your website before you start designing it. This will help to ensure that your site has a clear purpose and structure. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your design simple and clean, to avoid overwhelming visitors with too much information. Finally, make sure to test your site on different browsers and devices, to ensure that everyone can access and use it.

Responsive design is a web design approach that allows a website to adapt to the size and shape of a user’s device. This means that whether someone is viewing your site on a desktop computer, a tablet, or a smartphone, they will be able to see it correctly.

It is upsetting to see that some web designers still don’t take this into consideration.

Minimalism is a web design approach that focuses on simplicity. This means using fewer elements on a page, and avoiding anything that is not absolutely necessary. Minimalist websites are often clean and easy to navigate.

Flat design is a web design approach that uses two-dimensional (flat) graphics, rather than three-dimensional (skeuomorphic) graphics. This means that elements such as buttons and icons are designed to look like they are part of the page, rather than popping out at the user.

A mobile-friendly website is one that can be easily viewed and used on a mobile device. This means that the site has been designed specifically for smaller screens, and that users will be able to navigate it easily using their fingers.

There are a few things you can do to make your website more mobile-friendly. First, you can use responsive design, so that your site will automatically adjust to the size of the user’s device. You can also make sure that your site is optimised for load times, so that users won’t get frustrated waiting for it to load. Finally, you can use large, easy-to-tap buttons and links, so that users can navigate your site easily.

A wireframe is a low-fidelity sketch of a web page, used to plan out the layout and content of a site. Wireframes are often created before a website is designed, to help web designers map out the structure of the site.

A mockup is a high-fidelity version of a web page, used to show what the final design of a site will look like. Mockups are often created after a wireframe has been approved, to give designers an idea of what the site will look like before they start coding it.

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that helps users create, edit, and publish web content. CMSs provide a web-based interface that makes it easy for users to add and update content on a website, without needing to know how to code.

A theme is a pre-designed template that can be used to create a website. Themes usually include a set of web pages, graphics, and styles, which can be customized to create a unique website.

A plugin is a piece of software that adds additional features or functionality to a website. Plugins are often used to add social media buttons, contact forms, or other features to a site.

Web hosting is a service that provides website owners with a server to host their site. web hosts provide the infrastructure and resources that are necessary for a website to be accessible on the internet.

A domain name is the address of a website. It is the combination of a web address and a top-level domain (such as .com or .net), which tells web browsers where to find a website.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page. It defines the content of a web page, and how that content should be displayed.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the code that is used to style a web page. It defines the appearance of a web page, including its layout, colours, and fonts.

An app (or application) is a software program that is designed to perform a specific task. Apps are often created for mobile devices, but they can also be created for desktop computers and web browsers.

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of code that allows two software applications to communicate with each other. APIs are often used to allow third-party developers to create plugins or add-ons for a software application.

The cost of web design can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. For a simple website, web design could cost as little as $1,500. However, for a more complex website, web design could cost upwards of $7,000.

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